The purpose and focus of the Full Gospel Businessmen in UK & Ireland is to reach men and women for Christ and to empower them for life through the power of the Holy Spirit!
What began following a vision given to Demos Shakarian, a business man, has spread to 160 nations in every continent in the world. The life changing story is told in the book “The Happiest People On Earth” which can be purchased from the national office.
Jacob John is the FGB Director for the London Region. He shares a brief verion of his real-life story in this video recording presented on the vimeo platform.
Chapters In London
LONDON Regional Director is Jacob John and can be contacted on 0208 447 5957
For Women of FGB, contact Janet on
Local regional groups in the London area are:
BARNET (Greater London)
Contact Jacob John (0208 447 5957)
CROYDON(Greater London)
Contact Richard Slade (0208 660 9172)
Not meeting at the moment; contact Jacob John for information.
Contact Oscar Vickerman (07773 314 703)
LUTON (Greater London)
Not meeting at the moment: contact Jacob John for information.
ST ALBANS (Greater London)
Contact George Criticos (01727 846 535)

God is still speaking and calling His disciples to become fishers of men
Stuart shares how God clearly spoke to him to become a member of FGB

Report from outreach trip to Romania – report from Colin Pownall
Dear friends Colin Wilson, John Rowley and myself (Colin Pownall) have just returned from a

Clare retires after 15 years in the FGB Office
Clare Wilkinson celebrated her retirement from serving as the FGB membership administrator at the Mere