Women of FGB are wives of members of FGB (UK & Ireland), and/or are valued regular supporters of the work and ministry of FGB in the UK & Ireland.
A report on the latest national gathering of Women of FGB is here.
The latest information on the Women of FGB can be downloaded by clicking on attached brochure.

Their primary ministries are to:
- bring women together for Christian fellowship and encouragement
- support and encourage the men of FGB (FGB UK & Ireland),
- regularly pray for the effective work of their local Chapter, regional and national FGB,
- encourage women to bring their husbands and men into FGB,
- be involved in ministry alongside their husbands and the men at open (men & women) FGB events.
In addition, to supporting the men at open FGB events, Women of FGB do hold other women’s events: coffee mornings or evenings, regional and national events for prayer, fellowship, sharing testimonies, teaching and developing ministries to women; all with the backing and approval of the Officers of the relevant local Chapter of FGB, Regional Director or National Council, as appropriate.
To the glory and honour of Jesus Christ
We are given many challenges in the course of our lives. Each situation becomes an opportunity, designed by God, for us to grow in our faith and to reach out to those who do not know the Lord.
When women minister to women, they encourage each other. We find rare treasures as, together, we learn how wonderful and right our God is, and how much He loves and cares for us. Please join us as we love, learn, and lean on the Lord, seek to reap the harvest that is ready, and fully support FGB’s vision from God for reaching men and women for Christ.

The Working Structure
Membership requests should be endorsed by the Local FGB Chapter and submitted to the FGB National Office. There is no set membership fee, but there are ongoing administrative costs, so donations would be welcomed: to be sent to the National Office.
A membership pin is given to each new member of the Women of FGB on initial joining. A register of members is kept by the FGB National Office and all membership administration is handled through the office.
The leader of any local Women of FGB group should be: the wife of an FGB member, approved by the officers of the local Chapter of FGB, registered with FGB and notified to the FGB National Office as the appointed leader.
Janet Davies is currently the national coordinator of Women of FGB in the UK and Ireland. Janet is also currently fulfilling the role of the national Prayer Coordinator, who circulates a list of prayer requests to the WoF members every month.
For more information, please see the attached brochure
or you can contact Janet by email on wof@fgbuk.org,
or via the National FGB Office at: contact us or 01565 632 667.
Prayer requests should be sent to wofprayer@fgbuk.org.