The purpose and focus of the Full Gospel Businessmen in UK & Ireland is to reach men and women for Christ and to empower them for life through the power of the Holy Spirit!
For chapter contacts, see below
What is FGB?
The Full Gospel Businessmen in the UK & Ireland (FGB) is made up of Christians from all church backgrounds, who organise meetings in hotels and restaurants where men share their experiences of how God has changed their lives and testify to the power of the living God in our world today. We link with many similar groups currently operating through thousands of chapters worldwide. FGB seeks to link all Christians together under the single banner of God’s love (Jehovah Nissi) and to encourage them in the evidence of the power of God’s Spirit at work in their lives today.
The various Chapters across the region of Full Gospel Businessmen (or FGB for short) hold meetings which are open to all men and women to attend. After the meal, guest speakers from a wide range of professional, business or other backgrounds share about what a difference it made to their lives to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
FGB is not a church, speakers should not preach. FGB seeks to give an opportunity to all who come from any background to hear something of the reality of the presence of God and His power at work in our lives today.
How did it begin?
In 1952 Demos Shakarian, a dairy farmer of Armenian parentage living in California was concerned about the lack of men attending churches. He believed that God was calling him to begin something new-bringing men together in hotels and restaurants to hear testimonies of other business men. After receiving a vision from God when Demos had failed in his own strength the very next day marked the remarkable blessing of the Holy Spirit upon men which initiated the birth of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship which Demod knew would be International and go round the world. The Fellowship’s remarkable and unique history is told in the best selling Christian biography by John and Elizabeth Sherrill. “The Happiest People on Earth”. It can be obtained through the FGB UK & Ireland National Office at Knutsford, through the FGB On-line shop, or any FGB Chapter or Christian bookshop or even second hand on the internet.
FGB National (U.K. & Ireland) Office: P.O Box 11, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA1 6QP (Tel: 01565 632667, email:, website:
Our Regional FGB Mission is:
To work with and for local Christian Churches to reach men and women in our locality for Jesus Christ
To call men and women back to God and encourage them to be involved in a local Christian Church.
To encourage all believers to be baptised in the Holy Spirit, and use the Gifts of the Spirit.
To provide an opportunity for Christian Fellowship and outreach ministry in the Kingdom of God.
To bring a greater unity among all people in the body of Christ.
In the South East, groups meet in Borough Green, St Leonards on Sea, and Bexleyheath.
FGB UK & Ireland is associated with the Full Gospel Global Forum ( for networking, fellowship and mutual encouragement along with many other national organisations across the globe, being described as closely knit together, but loosely associated – most importantly ONE in the Spirit !!
Chapter information and contacts
For Women of FGB, contact Janet at:
Contact Chapter president, John Zipser, for details. Mobile: 07791 594 689 or email
BOROUGH GREEN currently not holding meetings
Contact Daniel Nquot for details of meetings and dinners. Mobile: 07958 781 229 or email
God is still speaking and calling His disciples to become fishers of men
Stuart shares how God clearly spoke to him to become a member of FGB
Report from outreach trip to Romania – report from Colin Pownall
Dear friends Colin Wilson, John Rowley and myself (Colin Pownall) have just returned from a
Clare retires after 15 years in the FGB Office
Clare Wilkinson celebrated her retirement from serving as the FGB membership administrator at the Mere