At least 50 people were born again, committing their lives to Jesus. Large numbers present also signified their healing in response to words of knowledge throughout the BMF Convention from 17-19th June in Juodkrante, on the Baltic coast, in Lithuania.
200 stayed at the Convention Centre with 300 attending the Saturday night banquet. Allan Jones was the main speaker throughout the Convention. He helped birth the 11 current active outreach chapters represented at the Convention. The BMF leadership in Lithuania worked as a united team, strongly complementing and supporting each other. The worship throughout the Convention was fresh, uplifting, spontaneous and sensitively led.
FGB Europe leaders from Russia, Finland, Germany, France and the UK came to support and meet with Lithuanian brothers and sisters. The Convention experience reminded us of the beginnings of the FGBMFI. It was an immense blessing to experience the freedom and anointing present and to join in fellowship with brothers and sisters from the three Baltic States of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, and also from Poland, and the Russian region.
One encouraging testimony of God working through events leading to the Convention was shared by Rodney Radcliffe, who had been co-ordinating the travel arrangements for the FGB Europe leaders. One of his guests has responsibility for the Christian Radio in Latvia. Her husband an International photographer, had lost his balance and part of his vision for over a month and was unable to function in work. Rodney’s Lithuanian contact mentioned that Allan Jones was in Riga that week. This led to Allan giving his testimony on Radio Latvia and also to her husband being able to meet Allan at Riga airport before his return departure to the UK. Allan prayed for the husband in the airport chapel. The husband was totally healed, which included healing from a posture deficiency he had had all his life. It was the sensing of the FGB Europe leaders to support the BMF Convention in Lithuania that helped lead to this healing. The husband Andris Zegnere was a witness to his complete healing at the Convention.
Arrangements were also made for testimonies to be given on Lithuania Christian radio by UK brothers staying over in Lithuania after the Convention.
Juodkrantre was a beautiful setting on the Curonian Spit Peninsula in Lithuania, near an attractive lagoon and 20 minutes walk from the sea.
We know that God truly prepares the ways for each of us beforehand, that we may walk in them. Ephesians 2.10. We thank God for our BMF brothers and for the wonderful re-envisioning and blessings received in Lithuania.