Dear friends
Colin Wilson, John Rowley and myself (Colin Pownall) have just returned from a 10 day trip to Romania and Serbia and would like to report on events there.
In 10 days we spoke in 5 prisons, 3 church’s, 2 FGB dinners (with a Chapter in Oradea reopened with a new president!), and a Christian radio station. To say that the program was hectic is an understatement, we were all exhausted and exhilarated at the end.
We lost count of the number of prisoners who gave their lives to Christ in the prisons, over 150. These were genuine conversions, many with tears. In all the prisons we were encouraged to return with the promise that they would bring more inmates to listen next time.
We visited a young offenders institute. All in the meeting gave their hearts to Christ but this was only the beginning. When one came forward for healing he was instantly ‘slain in the Spirit’. Others came forward and the floor was strewn with young men. Such was the blessing that some inmates went out dragging their friends into the meeting adding more to the floor. Even one of our folk joined the floor group. The officer in charge went into panic mode as all around him young men lay prone. Then the tears started. He wept and wept in front of all the inmates. God is alive.
The 3 church meetings were all different. The first was a Charismatic evangelical church, as was the second and signs and wonders did follow the preaching of Gods word. Some young people were Saved and many others physically healed. The last church was a traditional Baptist church. I preached the Gospel but it was so hard, like preaching to the wall. However the Pastor embraced me and thanked me for preaching a message that he didn’t have the courage to preach himself. He is a Spirit filled man of God and knows God has put him in that place for a reason.
It is through this pastor that the 3 of us were asked to speak on Christian radio. We only had 30 minutes each but it was good.
That leaves us with only the 2 dinners to talk about.
The men who organised and led the meetings were from the old FGBMFI in Romania, even though not old men. The meetings were all under the FGBMFI banner.
The first dinner was in Arad. Only 20 present with a good cooked dinner. The 3 of us shared testimony and 2 people came forward for Salvation. Then came the many who wanted healing. When the meeting officially ended, no one left. The ministry continued around the tables as local FGBMFI men continued to pray for others.
The second dinner was in Oradea with 26 present, and all we had was a piece of cake and a bottle of pop. At least half were young students from the university and when the altar call came it was 5 of these young people who gave their hearts to Christ and one young person became the new president of the Chapter.
. Colin at the Oradea Chapter with the young lady who shared her testimony.
The fact that we had 2 FGBMFI meetings is a 100% increase on our May trip. I find it amazingly wonderful that the men who used to be so active in the ministry still want to be involved. Do I think there will be more meetings, YES but only when and if I or others go over to encourage and pay.
All in all it was a great trip. I cant thank John and Colin enough for their support and encouragement. Also, FGB UK&Ireland who helped with the funding, and those who stayed at home and prayed were equal partners in this outreach and need acknowledging.
I hope this report encourages others to get involved in this ministry. The fields are ripe unto harvest.
Be blessed
Colin, Colin and John