WoF meeting at the 2023 Advance

Nine of the ladies who attended the FGB national Advance weekend, held in Huddersfield 12th to 14th May ’23, had a separate gathering for 90 minutes of female fellowship.

Led by Janet Davies, Women of FGB national coordinator, the ladies introduced themselves to the group, then separated for a time of individual prayers, all walking around in the large room speaking out their thanks and praises to the Lord, our God and Saviour.

Seated back around the heaters, Janet likened being formed as a Christian to the process diamonds go through and shared how the Bible tells us; to God we are as valuable as rare gem stones, we are precious to Him, important and beautiful in His sight. We are His jewels, peculiar people and trophies of His grace.

The ladies then received small giftbags containing a portion of the WoF scripture Proverbs 31, verse 10b AMP: ‘Her value is more precious than jewels and her worth is far above rubies or pearls’, also a diamond and scattering of rubies (plastic, but an effective reminder of how precious we are) along with packs of ‘seed cards’, small picture cards with a verse of scripture on the back, a very easy way to sow the Word.

After an open group discussion, it was agreed to have another walk. While walking around there were tongues, singing, prayers and repentance accompanied by ministry, some direct from the Holy Spirit, some through woman to woman.

This was followed by some of the ladies sharing what they had just experienced, which led into a group discussion of issues that had been raised. The gathering was closed with prayers and hugs.

All agreed it had been a positive meeting and went to lunch having been wonderfully refreshed by the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, the group photos didn’t turn out so well, but there are pictures of the physical things the ladies took home.