Clare retires after 15 years in the FGB Office

Clare Wilkinson celebrated her retirement from serving as the FGB membership administrator at the Mere Court hotel in Knutsford. She was accompanied by a few of the FGB members and directors (pictured below) that she had served so well during her 15 years of faithful work: looking after all the members of Full Gospel Businessmen UK & Ireland and operating her famous spreadsheet to keep track of all the members’ contact details and membership status and renewals.

She was presented with a bouquet of flowers by Geoff Haresceugh (the natiional treasurer) and is also pictured with her office colleague Marita Cooper and Stuart Cripps (the FGB Office Manager), as well as other members and their wives, who joined in the celebrations. Clare chose a lovely garden mirror as her main retirement present from donations from members and also selected a golden paperclip jewellery set to mark her retirement.

On behalf of  all the FGB members and directors, we thank Clare for her valued contribution to the smooth running of the FGB Office in Knutsford and wish her a long and happy retirement, much of which she will be enjoying touring around Europe in her camavan.

Every Blessing for your future, Stuart Cripps.