Profession: Musician
I was born in 1968 in Liverpool, having a rough early life Expelled from school at 14, I started to earn a living on an ice-cream van and then on Liverpool market stalls. My fascination with music caused me to launch out as a ‘tribute artist’ performing Phil Collins songs. I always wanted to sing, and got the opportunity on Stars In Their Eyes performing as Phil Collins. I sang in front of Phil, and was endorsed by him as his number one tribute in the world. But it seemed, even though I had this affirmation and a bit of publicity, I was never happy with my life.
Despite having achieved one of my main goals in life, the questions “what’s life all about?” and “is this all there is?” haunted me. Achievement, money and fame did not satisfy. Relationships broke down. Cocaine and alcohol did not fill the emptiness inside me. I had seen the heights of fame but sunk into the depths of depression. My mother died in my arms in 1990. I had a devastating relationship break-up and ended up snorting cocaie until I was ‘ga ga’. In 1998, whilst driving alone down the motorway to a ‘gig’ near Worcester, thought regarding the pointlessness of life started to overwhelm me. I contemplated suicide to escape from a meaningless world.
In the midst of this despair I heard an inner voice urging me to “phone Andrew”. So I did. He told me that it was the voice of Jesus and encouraged me to pray. My mate explained to me that Jesus loved me and that I needed to ask him to forgive me for all the wrong things that I had done in my life. As soon as I did this, my life changed. I stopped swearing. I didn’t crave drugs anymore as I discovered peace and contentment. I had found a faith that was not based on ‘religion’ but was based on a ‘relationship with God’. Since then I’ve been going all over the world using my story and my singing gift from God in prisons, on death row, at rehabs, schools etc.
I wanted to see if I could make a difference in some way, so I started going to schools in Croxteth and beyond. I started singing Phil Collins and self-composed songss and sharing my testimony at assemblies and workshops with 11-17 year olds. The teachers and kids were thrilled. This has been great. These kids need love, acceptance, approval and affirmation. I believe if we can reach them young, then we have a chance. The kids are the key to the future, they are the key to the breakthrough and they are the voice of tomorrow.
Over the last few months I have been going around all the primary and secondary schools in Norris Green and Croxteth, involving over six and a half thousand kids. I have produced a remake of the song ‘You’re the Voice’ (originally written by John Farnham). This song carries a massive message saying “Enough is Enough” and “We are a Voice and we are not going to let you walk all over us”. Twenty-five kids from each school are forming a community choir of 300 kids all from the area. They will be the backing to the song. All the schools are already playing the song in their assemblies. The song was released in September 2009 as a pro-Life message from Norris Green and Croxteth, to say “No Guns, No Knives, No Loss Of Lives”.
Merseyside Police, Brian Reade of the Daily Mirror, Liverpool FC, Everton FC and other leading lights in the community are supporting Liam in giving birth to the vision of “THE VOICE”. You can contact Liam at