Please book in good time, to help the catering team. Also, this is a good opportunity to bring a friend along!
Tracy Sickel, a Free Church Prison Chaplain and CEO of a Christian Prison ministry charity, tells her amazing testimony of supporting and helping women through prison and of re-establishing their lives when released.
We look forward to welcoming you on Saturday 17 August for our fourth MENUNITED breakfast of 2024 where our speaker will be Mike Saffery. FREE ONSITE PARKING - NO NEED TO BOOK, JUST TURN UP ON THE DAY. Mike Saffery from Birmingham was schooled at Malvern College, going on to study drama at the Birmingham […]
The Bath Chapter invites you to Dinner at The Globe, Newton-St-Lowe, Bath BA2 9BB, on Monday 2nd September 2024: 19:15 for 19:30 Cost as per your menu selection Dick Beath is a pilot and has flown to SE Poland in support of Ukraine, taking specialist medical and military supplies. Dick joined the Army as a […]
Mark shares of his deliverance and healing from 14 illnesses through the power of the Holy Spirit as a Christian.
FGB NORWICH DINNER THURSDAY 12 September 2024 GUEST SPEAKER STUART SPAGATNER Hear the story of the amazing deliverance of a young Jewish boy from a drug induced life amongst the Hippies of 1970's Brighton to finding his Messiah in South Africa! Stuart Spagatner has had a varied career, from the insurance industry to Lay Preacher […]